I've been feeling kinda low lately because my boyfriend and I are on two timezones apart. He works at Philmot, which is a boyscout camp in New Mexico, and I work at Camp Chimney Corners (an AMAZING camp) in Massachusetts. Days off are normally for 24 hours, and there's no way we can see each other all summer. Then, before we can get together I fly out to North Carolina where I go to school, and he is doing a semester at sea that goes out of Wood's Hole, MA. There's a good chance I might not see him until winter break.
So this summer we are going to be communicating entirely by handwritten letters, and last night was the last night I could talk to him via electronics. To compensate for missing him, I'm making him a pair of socks. As I knit the soft material, it's both soothing and fun to answer questions about him to my friends. Luckily, I'm now at camp working, so I have less time to be missing him. It's nice to watch the socks grow.
Do you use knitting or crochet as therapy?
Winter break? That's harsh.
When my great-grandmother, died two years ago, is when I really started knitting. I knew I had to do something to try and not be sad all the time. So I started knitting and listening to audio books. Now whenever I'm feeling sad or upset I knit to calm myself down, it's wonderful.
Have fun at camp!
P.S. Love the socks! They look great.
I definitely use knitting and crochet as therapy, though I've found that spinning is a bit more meditative.
It's weird that you go to school in NC and your boyfriend is in NM. I live in NC and am moving to NM to be with my boyfriend (who will by then be my husband!) at the end of the summer. We're apart now too, and it's definitely hard.
I know I'm using knitting as therapy because I keep knitting things for him, like little hearts and stuffed animals, that I'm sure he doesn't want! Good luck, and nice blog!
retrogradesonnet on ravelry if you'd like to chat sometime. :)
Knitting and crocheting - definitely 'therapy'! Sorry to hear you'll have a long distance relationship for so long!
You both sound like you are at great camps! My older son wanted to go to Philmont, but dropped out of scouts before his group went.
your SP12 pal
having had my hubby in the navy for 15 years we spent way to much time separated, i can understand how your feeling...sucks! glad you are both writing and that you are knitting for him as you think about him . will also show him how he is on your mind!
My brother recently started college in Georgia. We're from Alaska originally but I go to school in Nevada. I have been quite apprehensive about having my family sort of 'strewn' about the country so in order to make myself feel closer to my brother I've been knitting him...well, probably anything I think might fit in his dorm room. Socks, a scarf in his school colors, a blanket for his bed.
Knitting does make you feel closer to the person you're knitting for. I think it's why mothers knit for children, and wives knit for husbands, friends knit for friends, and so on.
Socks are a wonderful project for a loved one too, yours look lovely. Best of luck making it through the tough summer/fall months. But just remember you'll have lots of wonderful hand written letters to remember this time apart by.
Oh no! I'm so sorry for you and your boyfriend. That's really tough.
I knit and spin as therapy. Crochet not so much. I love the product more than the process with crochet.
Knit & crochet are definitely therapy. Audio books are good too. Socks are one of my favorite things to knit.
I love that you are writing letters.... it's so old fashioned. Not to discount the value of electronic conversations but I love the old school. Love the socks - I'm sure they will be appreciated!
I do use knitting as therapy - either simple projects when I want to relax or more complicated things to take my mind off whatever I'm worried about.
I've found myself counting off a prayer with each knit stitch as though they were rosary beads before. Or found myself so caught up in the repetition of the act that I was in a near trancelike state... Of course there have also been times when I needed to have the serenity that knitting usually brings me and it just wasn't working. Heh... by now the bf knows better than to believe me when I storm off in tears, throw a WiP into the closet in disgust and proclaim that I can't do anything right and I should just give up knitting. (Okay, I'm a little melodramatic at times.) Separation can be so hard, but crafting something for him really can help. Reliving a special memory each row helped me cope with the loss of my grandmother. It sounds kinda cheesy, but it worked for me.
sorry to hear you two are so far apart. I'm in New Mexico and I hope he's staying cool. I'm in the most southern part and it's been in the triple digits here and just hot hot hot :o(
That's such a good idea. But I must ask, what are the blue threads for?
Tough...Sending letters sound very romantic. I find that I turn to knitting as a way of clearing my mind (at least I think). sometimes I have this feeling of like a thousand thoughts in my head and I can't think of what I want to do... but I always end up choosing to knit and it calms me down. so I guess that therapish
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